The Isis Nephthys Knife

The Isis Nephthys Knife


She is calling for our attention, to step into the energetic wisdom of Nebt-het /Nephthys. During my night sky communion with Sirius, the message was so clear “make a small Isis knife with 2 stars” It was by starlight, by the soft star warmth of my hand working the wax that Nephthys emerged, though I am still coming into awareness of who is this of Her Great Mystery that I am honoring. I am using Her Greek name, to mark the Ancient Cult of Isis which spread through Europe at least 4000 years before Christianity arrived. The invocation of Isis reaches back to 10.000 BCE. These Divine Feminine Presences have been collaborating with our consciousness through multiple realms, star systems and dimensions. I sense this nearly forgotten sister of Isis carries an energetic template of the Divine Feminine, that is coded by Her role in the Osiris resurrection cycle. Nephthys resonates with Freya by falcon and by guiding souls across the bridge between the seen and unseen, the breathing and the breathless. The faces of the Goddess are many, and each one reflects the radiance of what is true. The Isis Nepthys represents She who is both fiercely protective of life and a fearless dancer with the cycle of death knowing both spin the cycles of this realm. We honor Nephthys at sunset, as the shadows build ; knowing the way to the light is often by embracing the shadow.

Isis /Nephthys: Isis guardian of birth life / Nephthys guardian of death reincarnation: Divine sisters /aspects of the divine feminine /Allies for Gaia’s humans in this grand life/ death resurrection cycle. She has been in the shadows, the mystery, overseeing the soul’s voyages through multidimensional incarnations. She is the magnetically activating dark pup star of Sirius. The star sisters dance a 49.98 year spherical orbit, in 2021 they are in the farthest reach of their orbit. A cosmically aligned expanded stargate by the Star Sisters for a flow of exquisite cosmic soul star cell aligning light. I honor Her with this talisman of bronze.


  • Isis Nephthys Knife

  • Linen Pouch & Sacred Matchsticks

  • Guide

  • 4” x 2” x .75”

  • Recycled ancient bronze

  • Made in the USA

  • 7/13

Please Note: Each knife is handcrafted, anointed, blessed and unique. The patina or finish may vary slightly thru the processes of fires, essential oil, wax and prayer.

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