


Lilith is one of the oldest known spirit beings held in our memory. She is the face of the Feminine that has been repressed for close to 10,000 years. Her mythology is complex, Her presence is potent, She is both revered and feared. She is the consort of the DIvine Masculine Creator God, the mother of Adam and his first feminine counterpart. She was banished from the Garden of Eden; for her refusal to submit to Adams' dominance and She supposedly became consort for the Devil. The myth that weaves around Lilith includes her ability to impregnate herself, seduce and control men. She has shapeshifted through many timelines and places; Sumeria, Egypt , Mesopotamia, Greece, Israel, Europe. In the patriarchal traditions, the faces of the Divine Feminine that are fierce, destructive, sovereign, wrathful are demonized. If an aspect of the feminine is not seen as honorable, we may need to investigate deeper and possibly recognize that the truth may actually be inverted.


  • Lilith Knife

  • Linen Pouch & Sacred Matchsticks

  • Booklet


  • 7.25” x 3.25” x .25”

  • Recycled bronze

  • Made in the USA

  • 2/8

Please Note: Each knife is handcrafted, anointed, blessed and unique. The patina or finish may vary slightly thru the processes of fires, essential oil, wax and prayer.

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